Dear readers,
I don't know how many of you are left out there, but I just wanted to let the few of you know where I am at. I have been toying with the idea of creating a fictional blog with some inspiration from my life events for some time. When I started, I was finishing up my final year of grad school and was crazy overwhelmed with finishing my thesis and going on research trips. I had a general plot in mind but couldn't quite get it there. I landed a job before I graduated back in my hometown and had to plan moving back there with my boyfriend, also from my hometown. We were trying to look at houses to buy from 3 hours away with a moving deadline of graduation weekend. We found ourselves a rental that was currently on the market but were promised the first chance to buy. Of course, just as we fell in love with the place and had all of our ducks in a row with the bank, we get a call that they accepted an offer on the house and it would be closing mid-June (real-time: next week). Within the last month, we have found and purchased our new home and are set to close tomorrow (eek!). I was having a hard time keeping a posting schedule in the first place, and it only got harder with no direction and seemingly no reader feedback. I let that frustration get to me and kind of dropped off of doing this blog without any explanation. I know this is a pretty new blog, and regular postings would help me build a fanbase, but that frustration and our hectic living situation got the best of me. I recently opened the blog back up to write again and just couldn't pick back up where I left off. So I'm very sorry to those of you that began reading and following this blog. I hope you don't hate me too much and understand my sorry excuse for being a horrible writer.
I do have some good news for those of you that are still with me! I couldn't quite give up blogging, and instead of continuing this blog I began drafting up a story line and character list. I will be starting a new blog that will have a similar storyline to this that I will be committed to. If you would be kind enough, head over to Living Like Lila, I will have the first post up within a week. I decided to scrap this story and start completely fresh. I hope you all understand and will give this new blog a chance. Once I get the first post up, I will be deleting this blog. Hope to see you on the new blog!
I had been checking in occasionally and am happy to see an updatte. I liked the few pPosts you previously wrote, so I am excited to see what you have in store for Lila.